
Bissezeele (Dutch Bissezele ) is a commune in the Nord, in the Nord -Pas -de -Calais. It belongs to Arrondissement Dunkerque, to Canton Bergues and community association Canton de Bergues. The inhabitants call themselves Bissezeelois


The village with 225 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2011) is located in the historic province of Flanders in the landscape Blootland, extending along the northern French and south of Belgium Channel coast, and is located about 16 kilometers south of Dunkirk and 13 kilometers from the border with Belgium removed.


  • The church of Saint -Adrien from the 19th century


Arnèke | Bailleul | Bambecque | Bavinchove | Bergues | Berthen | Bierne | Bissezeele | Blaringhem | Boeschepe | Boëseghem | Bollezeele | Borre | Bourbourg | Bray -Dunes | Brouckerque | Broxeele | Buysscheure | Caëstre | Cappelle- Brouck | Cappelle- la -Grande | Cassel | Coudekerque industry | Coudekerque- Village | Craywick | Crochte | Drincham | Dunkirk | Ebblinghem | Eecke | Eringhem | Esquelbecq | Estaires | Flêtre | Ghyvelde | Godewaersvelde | Grande -Synthe | Grand-Fort -Philippe | Gravelines | Hardifort | Haverskerque | Hazebrouck | Herzeele | Holque | Hondeghem | Hondschoote | Houtkerque | Hoymille | Killem | La Gorgue | Le Doulieu | Lederzeele | Ledringhem | Leffrinckoucke | Les Moëres | Looberghe | Loon -Plage | Lynde | Merckeghem | Merris | Merville | Méteren | Millam | Morbecque | Neuf- Berquin | Nieppe | Nieurlet | Noordpeene | Ochtezeele | Oost -Cappel | Oudezeele | Oxelaëre | Pitgam | Pradelles | Quaëdypre | Renescure | Rexpoëde | Rubrouck | Sainte -Marie- Cappel | Saint -Georges- sur- l'Aa | Saint -Jans- Cappel | Saint- Momelin | Saint -Pierre- Brouck | Saint- Sylvestre- Cappel | Sercus | Socx | Spycker | Staple | Steenbecque | Steene | Steenvoorde | Steenwerck | Strazeele | Terdeghem | Téteghem | Thiennes | Uxem | Vieux- Berquin | Volkerinckhove | Wallon -Cappel | Warhem | Watten | Wemaers -Cappel | West -Cappel | Winnezeele | Wormhout | Wulverdinghe | Wylder | Zegerscappel | Zermezeele | Zuydcoote | Zuytpeene

  • Municipality in Nord
  • Location in Nord-Pas -de- Calais