Le Doulieu

Le Doulieu (Dutch Zouterstee ) is a commune with 1404 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2011 ) in the department of Nord, in the Nord -Pas -de -Calais. It belongs to Arrondissement Dunkerque and the Canton of Merville.

Neighboring communities of Le Bailleul Doulieu are in the north, Steenwerck in the northeast, Estaires to the southeast, Neuf- Berquin in the southwest and Vieux- Berquin in the West.



Arnèke | Bailleul | Bambecque | Bavinchove | Bergues | Berthen | Bierne | Bissezeele | Blaringhem | Boeschepe | Boëseghem | Bollezeele | Borre | Bourbourg | Bray -Dunes | Brouckerque | Broxeele | Buysscheure | Caëstre | Cappelle- Brouck | Cappelle- la -Grande | Cassel | Coudekerque industry | Coudekerque- Village | Craywick | Crochte | Drincham | Dunkirk | Ebblinghem | Eecke | Eringhem | Esquelbecq | Estaires | Flêtre | Ghyvelde | Godewaersvelde | Grande -Synthe | Grand-Fort -Philippe | Gravelines | Hardifort | Haverskerque | Hazebrouck | Herzeele | Holque | Hondeghem | Hondschoote | Houtkerque | Hoymille | Killem | La Gorgue | Le Doulieu | Lederzeele | Ledringhem | Leffrinckoucke | Les Moëres | Looberghe | Loon -Plage | Lynde | Merckeghem | Merris | Merville | Méteren | Millam | Morbecque | Neuf- Berquin | Nieppe | Nieurlet | Noordpeene | Ochtezeele | Oost -Cappel | Oudezeele | Oxelaëre | Pitgam | Pradelles | Quaëdypre | Renescure | Rexpoëde | Rubrouck | Sainte -Marie- Cappel | Saint -Georges- sur- l'Aa | Saint -Jans- Cappel | Saint- Momelin | Saint -Pierre- Brouck | Saint- Sylvestre- Cappel | Sercus | Socx | Spycker | Staple | Steenbecque | Steene | Steenvoorde | Steenwerck | Strazeele | Terdeghem | Téteghem | Thiennes | Uxem | Vieux- Berquin | Volkerinckhove | Wallon -Cappel | Warhem | Watten | Wemaers -Cappel | West -Cappel | Winnezeele | Wormhout | Wulverdinghe | Wylder | Zegerscappel | Zermezeele | Zuydcoote | Zuytpeene

  • Municipality in Nord
  • Location in Nord-Pas -de- Calais