
The Limmerensee (also Limmernsee ) is located in the canton of Glarus in the community Linthal.


Nestled is fed by melt water from the lake Limmerenfirns between the Muttenchopf ( 2,482 m above sea level. M. ), the Selbsanft ( 2,950 m above sea level. M. ) and the Kistenstöckli ( 2'746 m above sea level. M. ). You can reach the lake of Linthal on foot or with a factory cable car.


Was completed, the dam Limmern in 1963.


  • Lakes in Switzerland: Natural and reservoirs, Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, 2007 → lakes in Switzerland ( PDF)

Swiss reservoirs with a capacity of about 10 million m³: Albigensian Nasee | Arnensee | Lago Bianco | Brenet | Lago dei Cavagnöö | Lac de Cleuson | Lai da Curnera | Davosersee | Lac des Dix | Lac d' emosson | Engstlensee | Gelmersee | Giger Waldsee | Göscheneralpsee | Greyerzersee | Griessee | Grimselsee | Lac de l ' Hongrin | Klingnauer reservoir | Klöntalersee | Lago di Lei | Limmerensee | Lago di Livigno | Lago di Lucendro | Lungerersee | Lago di Luzzone | Lai da Marmorera | Mattmarksee | Lac de Mauvoisin | Lac de Moiry | Lake Montsalvens | Lac de Moron | Lai da Nalps | Lago del NARET | Oberaarsee | Lac de Perolles | Lago di Poschiavo | Räterichsbodensee | Lago Ritom | Lac de Salanfe | Lago del Sambuco | Schiffenensee | Sihl | Lai da Sontga Maria | Sufnersee | Toules | Lago Tremorgio | Lac de Tseuzier | Lac du Vieux emosson | Lago di Vorgorno | Wägitalersee | Wohlensee | Zervreilasee

  • Lake in the Canton of Glarus
  • Reservoir in Europe
  • Reservoir in Switzerland
  • River system Linth / Limmat
  • Built in the 1960s
  • Glarus Süd