Metzora (parsha)

Mezora (Hebrew מצורע, " leper " ) refers to a reading portion ( Parasha or Sidra called ) of the Torah, and includes the text of Leviticus / Vayikra 14.1 to 15.33.

It is the Sidra of the 2nd Sabbath in the month of Nissan or, if connected to Tazria, the first Sabbath in the month of Iyar.


  • Pure declaration of pure leprosy healed after certain ceremonies with two birds
  • Shearing of all hair on the body
  • Cleaning of clothes, bath and sacrifice, sprinkling with sacrificial blood and oil
  • Treatment of " leprosy " on the house and its net declaration for similar ceremonies as in humans
  • The man whose genitals charges liquids and thereby became unclean, these impurity transfers in stock and devices on which he sits, and people that touch him or his excreta. He explains 7 days after cure of the condition and by offering a Entsühnungsopfers of two doves for pure.
  • The regular flow of blood to the woman they contaminated for 7 days, while the irregular purity occurs only after 7 days after a stoppage of blood flow. Then according to the Entsühnungsopfer with two doves.


The corresponding Haftorah is 2 Kgs 7.3 to 20.
