Stakhanov, Ukraine

Stakhanov (Ukrainian and Russian Стаханов ) is a city in the Luhansk Oblast in eastern Ukraine with about 75,000 inhabitants ( 2013).

The dominated by coal mining town located about 50 km west of Oblasthauptstadt Luhansk in the Donbass region.


The city was called until 1978 Kadijiwka ( Кадіївка ), 1937-1940 also briefly Serho ( Серго ) and was then renamed after Alexei Grigoryevich Stakhanov. From July 1942 to September 3, 1943, the city troops of the German Wehrmacht was occupied. From 1937 to 2008 frequented the city's tram Stakhanov ( Стахановський трамвай ), a 1970 existing overhead line bus system (Ukrainian Стахановський тролейбус ) in mid-2011 has been discontinued.


The municipality has a total of 92 132 inhabitants and Stakhanov is divided administratively next to the city proper or in the two cities Almasna ( Алмазна ) and Teplohirsk ( Теплогірськ ).


Source: 1923-1989; 2001-2013
