Anversa degli Abruzzi

Anversa degli Abruzzi is a town with 368 inhabitants (as at 31 December 2012) in the province of L' Aquila ( Abruzzo ). The place was taken by the ANCI ( Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani ) in the list of the most beautiful villages in Italy.


In the " Catalogo dei Baroni " of the Norman King Ruggero II of 1150 the land around Anversa is assigned as a possession Simone di Sangro. Already in 1187 there was here a jurisdiction in civil matters and crime. The successor Raynaldo di Sangro. The only still existing ruins of the Norman castle had since 1406 can build Antonio Sangro. Under the patronage of Count Gianvincenzo Belfrato here the l' Accademia degli letteraria Addormentati, the first academy of Abruzzo was founded in 1539, the continued existence until 1631. It still remembers the portal of the church of the Madonna delle Grazie from the 16th century.


In addition to the castle ruins there are in Anversa degli Abruzzi few buildings worth seeing:

  • The three-nave church of Santa Maria delle Grazie (XVI century), in Romanesque style.
  • The San Marcello (XI century), in Romanesque style with a late-Gothic portal. church
  • Ruins of the church of San Vincenzo (XIII century), at the 1333, a monk was buried.


In the surroundings of the village vines of Montepulciano for the DOC - cultivated wine Montepulciano d'Abruzzo.
