Liar's dice

Game of the Year 1993 German Games Award 1993: 4th place

Bluff is a dice game by Richard Borg for two to six players aged about 12 years. Borg it moved in 1986 self-published as a Doubter 's Dice and Milton Bradley in 1988 as Liar 's Dice. In 1993, the game appeared on German at F.X. Schmid and was named Game of the Year 1993. Since 2001, it is published in Germany by Ravensburger. International it is sold by various game publishers under different names.

Game rules

Each player starts with a dice cup with 5 dice. The cube is a classic six-sided dice with the numbers 1 to 5 and a star instead of the digit 6 The star side of a cube can be any value of the cube represent (1-5 or the star ).

On the table is a game board with 30 pitches, 1 to 20 carry the digits. Every third field is a field of stars. ( For example, comes before the 8 a box with 4 stars.)

In a round, all players roll simultaneously and see their own values. Now is in turn estimated how many cubes have a certain value. For this, the first player places a red six-sided die on a field on the game board. For example, estimates of the first player that 5 3 were rolled. The Next 5 estimates of 4, etc. If a player thinks that the last estimated value is not possible, it fits. Each player then reveals his dice. Last 8 5er been advised, all 5 Series plus all the stars are counted. If more than 8 5er in the game, for example, 10, then the player loses two dice. Are there exactly 8, the doubting player loses a die. If there are less than 8, the player who has made the tip loses, the difference to the true number of occurred dice. Are there, for example, only 6, that player loses two dice. If a player has lost all his dice, so he is out for this round.

In addition, there are several options:


A classic predecessor to this game is also Lügenmäxchen or Maxie. This game is played with two dice in a cup. Here, the player announces what value it has rolled. The next player takes the challenge to, and trying to roll higher, or he caught the announcement ends as Lügenmäxchen and covers the dice on.

Another popular game is the dice game Liar Dice, which has a similar gameplay as bluff. Here, however, diced with poker dice and the players roll the same time.
