
Mondon is a commune in the French department Doubs in the Franche -Comté.


Mondon is on 350 m, 11 km north-northwest of Baume- les -Dames and about 32 km northeast of the city of Besançon (air line). The village stretches a scenic location on a sloping hillside to the west of the heights of Mont Adam, in the undulating countryside in the extreme northwest of the Doubs.

The area of ​​4.50 km ² municipal area includes a portion of the hilly landscape between the river valleys of the Doubs and Ognon. The main part of the area is occupied by a platform, which is an average 300 m. It is mainly consisted of arable and meadow land, but shows particularly in the north and larger forest areas ( Grand Bois Juif ). The plateau is drained to the north- west to Ognon. To the southeast, the municipality's area extends over a steep slope down to the wooded height Sur le Mont, on the 417 meters, the highest elevation of Mondon is achieved and the leads over to the east to Mont Adam.

Neighboring communities of Mondon are Montagney - Servigney in the north, Rougemont in the east, the south and Puessans Montussaint in the West.


In the Middle Ages Mondon belonged to the rule Rougemont. Since the year 1300, the church is mentioned. Together with the Franche -Comté reached the village with the Peace of Nijmegen in 1678 definitively to France.


The church of Saint -Pierre -et -Paul goes originally back to the early 14th century. From that time, the entrance hall is obtained; the ship and the choir date from the 15th century and the chapel from the 16th century. The village is characterized by numerous houses from the 16th and 17th centuries.


With 85 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2011) Mondon is one of the smallest municipalities of the department of Doubs. After the population had decreased significantly in the first half of the 20th century (1896 200 people were still counted ), only small fluctuations were recorded since the mid- 1970s.

Economy and infrastructure

Mondon was until well into the 20th century a predominantly by agriculture (crops, orchards and livestock ) and forestry embossed village. Even today, the inhabitants live on the merits of the activity in the first sector. Outside of the primary sector, there are few jobs in the village. Some employed persons are also commuters who engage in the surrounding larger towns of their work.

The village is located off the major thoroughfares on a secondary road, leading from Besancon to Rougemont. The nearest links to the A36 motorway is located at a distance of about 18 km. Further road links exist with Servigney and Morchamps.

Abbenans | Avilley | Bonnal | Cubrial | Cubry | Cuse -et- Adrisans | Fontenelle - Montby | Gondenans -les -Moulins | Gondenans - Montby | Gouhelans | Huanne -Mont Martin | Mésandans | Mondon | Montagney - Servigney | Montussaint | Nan | Puessans | Rillans | Rognon | Romain | Rougemont | Tallans | Tournans | Tressandans | Trouvans | Uzelle | Viéthorey

  • Municipality in the department of Doubs
  • Place in Franche -Comté