Santu Lussurgiu

The place belongs to the province of Oristano. The small town of Cuglieri and located on the eastern slope Santu Lussurgiu are connected by a road whose pass, Punta Arancola is on 876 m. The neighboring municipalities are Abbasanta, Bonarcado Borore, Cuglieri, Norbello, Paulilatino, Scano di Montiferro and Seneghe.

The place has an " Agricultural Museum " and is the center of the Sardinian horse breeding. Resident in the village are manufacturers of riding accessories, crafts and shepherds knives ( sard. Sat Resolza or Leppa ) and scythes. In the suburb of San Leonardo de Siete Fuentes, a large mineral water factory is established.

The main attraction is the 12 m high waterfall Cascata sos Molinos located near the village on the road to Bonarcado, the lake serves as a bathing spot in the same Riu (river).
