
Vasto is a town in the region of Abruzzo, Chieti province in Italy. It has 39 271 inhabitants and an area of 70 km ². Vasto is located on the Adriatic Sea. The patron saint of the city is San Michele. The neighboring municipalities are Casalbordino, Vasto, Monteodorisio, Pollutri and San Salvo.


Vasto was probably founded by a Dalmatian tribe. In Roman times it was known as Histonium, this name is lost in the turmoil following the collapse of the Roman Empire. The city's inhabitants are referred to as Vastesi or Histoniensi called.


  • Among the attractions of the city include, inter alia, the Cattedrale di San Giuseppe cathedral from the end of the 13th century.
  • A 1849 founded the Museum in the Palazzo D' Avalos presents a coin collection and works by French impressionists and contemporary artists.
  • In the old town rises the mighty fort Caldora from the 15th century which was built on the site of an older system from the High Middle Ages.


Vasto is located on the Adriatic coast railway line Ancona - Lecce. In the city the railway line runs underground. At the southern end of the North and tunnels are two railway stations: the North Porto di Vasto and Vasto San Salvo in the south.

Furthermore, the Strada Statale 16 Adriatica runs through the city.


In the surroundings of the village vines of Montepulciano are grown for the DOC wine Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. Furthermore Vasto is known for the production of the sausage specialty Ventricina.


Vasto was twice the target of a stage of the Giro d' Italia:

  • May 25 1998: Stage 9, Winner: Glenn Magnusson
  • May 19 2000: Stage 6, winner Dmitri Konischew


With Perth in Australia is twinned since 1989.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Gabriele Rossetti (1783-1854), Italian / English poet and scholar
  • Raffaele Mattioli (1895-1973), an Italian banker, economist and publisher
  • Giuseppe Spataro (1897-1979 Rome ), lawyer and politician of the Partito Popolare Italiano (PPI ) and the Christian Democrats (DC)
  • Dirisio Luca (born 1978 ), Pop
  • Andrea Iannone (* 1989), motorcycle racer