Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten! BWV 172

Ring out, her songs, erklinget, her strings! ( BWV 172 ) is a church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach. It was composed in Weimar in 1714 for Pentecost and led them there in the chapel on May 20, 1714 for the first time.


Bach was court organist in Weimar by Johann Ernst of Saxe- Weimar and was appointed on March 2, 1714 to the concert master. And, along with the task to perform a sacred cantata in the castle church monthly. Ring out, her songs is the third cantata this series, composed by Weeping, Lamenting, Fearing, Hesitating. The seal is Salomon Franck attributed, although the work is not to be found in his printed works. However, several stylistic features - the word of the Bible as a recitative in the second sentence rather than opening chorus, aria consequences without connecting recitative dialogue duet - can be found all in this cantata. The premiere material is obtained and shows that the cantata in Leipzig in 1724 was listed again. Bach revised it there one more time in 1731. A vote for obbligato organ instead of oboe and cello in the fifth set exists for a still later performance. Alfred Dürr concludes: " All these changes show how Bach has just tried to this work, which he seems to have [ ... ] very loved. "

Occupation, text base and structure

The cantata is set for four soloists, choir and a festive orchestra: three trumpets, timpani, oboe ( in later versions oboe d' amore or organ ), strings, cello, bassoon and basso continuo. The text for the sets 1 and 3 to 5 Salomon Franck attributed. The recitative (2 ) is based on John 14: 23: He who loves me will keep my word. Theorem 5 is a duet between soul (soprano) and spirit (Alt ), underlined by an instrumental quote from Martin Luther's hymn Come, Holy Spirit, Lord God, based on Veni Creator Spiritus. The chorale (6 ) is the fourth verse of Nicolai How beautiful the morning star shines.



  • JS Bach: Cantatas BWV 68 & BWV 172 Ursula Buckel, Irma Keller, Theo Altmeyer, Jakob Stämpfli, vocal ensemble Kassel, German Bach Soloists, conductor Klaus Martin Ziegler. Cantate / Nonesuch, in the mid 1960s?
  • Cantatas BWV 172 & BWV 78 Adele Stolte, Annelies Burmeister, Peter Schreier, Theo Adam, Thomas Choir, the Gewandhaus Orchestra, conductor Erhard Mauersberger. Eterna, 1970.
  • Cantatas. Selections ( BWV 172-175 ). Eva Csapo Doris Soffel Adalbert Kraus, Wolfgang Schöne Frankfurter Kantorei Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling conductor. Hänssler, 1975.
  • J. S. Bach cantatas. Arleen Augér, Ortrun Wenkel, Peter Schreier, Theo Adam, Thomas Choir, the Gewandhaus Orchestra, Conductor Hans -Joachim Rotzsch. Berlin Classics 1981
  • JS Bach: The cantatas - Sacred Cantatas Vol 9 Matthias Echternach ( soloist of the Hannover Boys Choir ), Paul Esswood, Marius van Altena, Max van Egmond, Hannover Boys Choir ( choirmaster Heinz Hennig ), Collegium Vocale Gent, Leonhardt - Consort, conductor Gustav Leonhardt, Teldec 1987
  • JS Bach: Complete Cantatas Vol 2 - Barbara Schlick, Kai Wessel, Christoph Prégardien, Klaus Mertens, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir, conductor Ton Koopman, Antoine Marchand 1995
  • Bach Cantatas Vol 26 Lisa Larsson, Derek Lee Ragin, Christoph Genz, Panagiotis Iconomou, Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, conductor John Eliot Gardiner. Soli Deo Gloria, 2000.
  • Boys Choir. Conductor Georg Christoph Biller. St. Thomas, 2009.
  • Ring out, her songs, erklinget, her strings! Eva Oltiványi, Markus Forster, Bernhard Berchtold, Raphael Jud. Choir and Orchestra of the JS Bach Foundation, Rudolf Lutz. Georg Kohler ( reflection). DVD. Gallus Media, 2007.