FIS Grand Prix Ski Jumping

The Ski Jumping Grand Prix ( official name FIS Grand Prix Ski Jumping ) is a series of ski jumping competitions that are held on plastic covered hills in the summer with ceramic inruns. He is frequently referred to as the Summer Grand Prix GP or summer.


The idea was to Matt Jumping for training purposes middle of the last century. Was invented by the former East German coach Hans Renner.

As the official competition of the Summer Grand Prix was first held in 1994.


The rules of the Ski Jumping World Cup apply in winter.

Open to Springer that already points in the World Cup ( FIS abbreviation: WCS) have reached or the Summer Grand Prix (GP), and Springer, have scored at least one point in the Continental Cup ( COCS -H) of the previous year or the current season.

The rating is based on the FIS points system.

Among the requirements to the organizers include a valid FIS certificate, lift / chairlift and a warm-up room.


  • Qualification
  • First competition round
  • Second competition round

Should the qualification round on another day to take place than the competition, there is a trial round before the first competition round.

Other Sports

Since 1998 is also available for a nordic combined Summer Grand Prix, the official name is the FIS Nordic Combined Summer Grand Prix.

Ski Jumping Grand Prix - Winner

Results taken from the official website of the FIS.

Leaderboard Grand Prix wins

The list contains all the jumpers that could decide a jump at the FIS Grand Prix in a single discipline in itself. Names in bold refer to the 2012 season, active athletes.

