List of National Historic Landmarks in Mississippi

This complete list of National Historic Landmarks in Mississippi lists all objects and sites in the U.S. state of Mississippi, which are classified in this State as a National Historic Landmark (NHL) and are under the supervision of the National Park Service. These structures, districts, objects, and other facilities meet certain criteria in terms of their national importance. This list outlines the objects according to the official names on the National Register of Historic Places.

Distinction to the National Register of Historic Places

All NHLs are automatically included in the NRHP, a list of historical buildings, the declaratory recognizes the National Park Service as a memorial. The main difference between an NHL and a general NRHP - entry is the nationwide importance, who NHLs, while most other entries only from local or federal state interest.


Current NHLs in Mississippi

Former NHLs in Mississippi

Other historic properties in Mississippi under management of the National Park Service

National Battlefields, National Historic Sites, National Historical Parks, National Monuments and certain other areas in the National Park system are historic landmarks of national importance that are also highly protected, often since before the introduction of the NHL program in 1960. These were not always declared per se to a NHL.
