List of National Historic Landmarks in Colorado

This list of National Historic Landmarks in Colorado leads to all objects and sites in the U.S. state of Colorado that are classified as a National Historic Landmark (NHL) in this U.S. state and are under the supervision of the National Park Service. These structures, objects, and other sites meet certain criteria in terms of their national importance.


Current NHLs in Colorado

In Colorado, there are 21 such National Historic Landmarks. This list outlines the objects according to the official names on the National Register of Historic Places.

Other sites under the supervision of the National Park Service

National Historic Sites National Historic Parks, National Memorials, and some other places are also under the supervision of the United States National Park Service, but enjoy as the NHLs a higher level of protection than the generally entered in the National Register of Historic Places objects without them as National Historic Landmarks are performed. There are four such areas in Washington. In the following table there are only three listed because Bent 's Old Fort National Historic Site is already included above as Bent's Old Fort.
