Peugeot DMA

The Peugeot DMA was a pickup truck, produced the Peugeot 1941-1948. It was the first commercial vehicle from Peugeot in Cabover construction, in which the driver was sitting right at the front. This inspired by the 1939 Citroën TUB interpretation was published in the DMA pioneer in the vehicle class in maximizing the loading area, length, and the driver of the street view. However, the driver had the loud engine in the cab to accept, although the DMA had rear-wheel drive and thus could not provide the low level loading surface of the Citroën TUB with front wheel drive.

During the first years of the DMA France was occupied by the German Wehrmacht. Many of the produced 11,045 DMA were used by the German Wehrmacht. In the immediate postwar period, when the financial resources for new models remained limited, the trucks were mostly produced for local authority and fire departments.

The DMA was powered by 4-cylinder 2142 cc petrol engine with overhead valves from the Peugeot 402, which could be operated as a wood gas engine. The performance in gasoline mode was 50 hp ( 37 kW), with a top speed of 70 km / h, running on gas 34 hp. The DMA was also built with rear dual tires, making an impressive for its time maximum payload of 2000 kg was possible.

As of September 1946, there was also a DMAH version with hydraulic brakes. 1948 Peugeot presented a minimally revised version of Q3A than before, but which was only built until 1950. After the Peugeot D3 replaced the series, which was by then already powered by a Peugeot engine and built by Chenard Walcker &. Chenard Walcker & had come into financial difficulties and sold his vehicle production at Peugeot.
