List of Egyptian deities

The list of Egyptian Gods includes in addition to the well-known and lesser-known gods of ancient Egypt and gods of individual regions or parts of the country and provinces as well as demons, which are used in many forms in Egyptian mythology mention. Also shown are " deified " people. Not mentioned are the pharaohs, who had a divine rank and were revered in their mortuary temples as part of the cult of the dead. They are listed in the list of the pharaohs.

View details

The list is created according to the most famous names alphabetically with hieroglyphic letters, transcription, short description and other name variations. The alternative names are not linked here, but should be created as a redirect page to the main name so that no separate article is necessary. The Gods name in hieroglyphics is presented almost exclusively without ideograms or determinatives. Other spellings contains the relevant articles to the deity.

Note to hieroglyphics representation: Currently not hieroglyphs all the Gardiner list displayed so that instead of the hieroglyphic character may only the number (eg " L19 ") appears.

The names of gods

As with the Egyptian kings, so there is with the gods Graecized both spellings (eg Osiris or Isis ) and the resultant of the hieroglyphs ( Aker or Bastet ). Since the Egyptian writing has no vowels and the original pronunciation is unknown, the transfer takes place in our writing system for readability on transcription and transliteration. The names are so Inserting an " e " between the consonants in Egyptology readable. The implementation of the single consonants in modern languages ​​has also led to another alternate name.

For example, the Egyptian god wpj - w3wt can be read or spoken as Wepwawet. Since W is often read as U, incurring any further reading: Upuaut.


