United Nations Security Council Resolution 1722

Resolution 1722 of the UN Security Council resolution under Chapter VII is a of the United Nations Charter on Bosnia - Herzegovina, which was adopted by the UN Security Council unanimously at its 5567th meeting, on 21 November 2006. With Resolution EUFOR, the stabilization Force of the European Union extended for twelve months. The resolution also the continuance of the presence of a NATO headquarters has been approved as a legal successor of the former SFOR. EUFOR was first used on 22 November 2004 as the successor to SFOR mission.

The Security Council in its decision with respect to its previous decisions regarding the territory of the former Yugoslavia, in particular resolutions 1031, 1088, 1423, 1491, 1551, 1575 and 1639, as well as the Dayton Agreement and its amendments and approved the extension of the missions NATO and the European Union in Bosnia - Herzegovina by twelve months, ie until 21 November 2007.

The resolution contains a number of diplomatic formulas and technical rules, one of which concerns one of the most important, the right to self-defense forces in the event of an attack or threat of attack. In this case, the troops are authorized to take all necessary measures. It is also stressed that the Government of Bosnia - Herzegovina is responsible for the full implementation of the peace agreement and the continuation of international aid financial, economic and military nature of the full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, including the delivery of all accused persons depends.
