Uruguayan municipal elections, 2010

The local elections in Uruguay in 2010 took place on May 9. Were elected for a five year term, the Intendentes and 589 ediles the 19 departments of Uruguay, also for the first time in the history of the country in a third administrative level Alcaldes 89 and 356 Concejales.

Results of Intendentenwahl

  • Partido Nacional
  • Frente Amplio
  • Partido Colorado

Twelve of the 19 director positions were awarded to candidates of the right-wing Partido Nacional (two more than in 2005 ), five candidates on the left Frente Amplio ( three less than in 2005 ), two to the right-wing Partido Colorado ( previously a director ).

The Colorado brought to the director post in Salto from the Frente Amplio, in turn, could wrest the post of the Partido Nacional in Artigas, but had to relinquish the post in Treinta y Tres, Florida and the Partido Nacional Paisandú. For the first time three women have been elected to Intendente ( in Artigas, Montevideo and Lavalleja ).

Final results in figures

Percentage of counted votes: 100%
