Snooker season 1978/1979

The snooker season 1978/79 is a series of snooker tournaments that belong to the Main Tour. The tournaments were held between September 1978 and the World Cup final on 28 April 1979.

Season Results

The following table shows the results of the season.

Professional national championships

World Ranking

The Snooker World Ranking was updated only after each full season and takes into account the performance of the last three world championships. The following table shows the 16 best players in the world rankings of the season 1978 / 79th

In 1973/74 | 1974/75 | 1975/76 | 1976/77 | 1977/78 | 1978/79 | 1979/80 | 1980/81 | 1981/82 | 1982/83 | 1983/84 | 1984/85 | 1985 / 86 | 1986/87 | 1987/88 | 1988/89 | 1989/90 | 1990/91 | 1991/92 | 1992/93 | 1993/94 | 1994/95 | 1995/96 | 1996/97 | 1997/98 | 1998/99 | 1999/2000 | 2000 /01 | 2001 /02 | 2002 /03 | 2003 /04 | 2004 /05 | 2005 /06 | 2006 /07 | 2007 /08 | 2008 /09 | 2009/10 | 2010 / 11 | 2011/12 | 2012/13 | 2013/14

  • Snooker Season
  • Snooker 1978
  • Snooker 1979