Thur (Switzerland)

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The Thur after the Rhine 's second- longest river in the east of Switzerland. The name Thur is attributed to the Indo-European word dhu (the " Notifying ").

  • 2.2.1 further measuring points


The source of Säntisthur is above underwater in Toggenburg. After two waterfalls, the Thurfällen in wooded Chämmerlitobel, the Säntisthur combined at underwater with the Wildhauser Thur and Thur flows than through the Toggenburg.

In Lutisburg Necker flows into the Rhine. From Wil SG Thur flows to the east. In Upper Buren, where the smoothness flows into the Thur, she leaves the Toggenburg region and flows in a northeasterly direction further in the canton of Thurgau. In Bischofszell the sitter flows into the Thur which flows on from then northwest. In Frauenfeld the Murg flows into the Rhine. Near Flaach and Ellikon am Rhein the Thur reach the Rhine.

Until Kradolf the Thur runs in a rocky bed, then there is the river bed of the river sediment and glacial deposits of the Santis glacier.


The Thur is the source of Säntisthur to the confluence with the Rhine a total length of 134.6 km. Of these, 68 km in the canton of St. Gallen, 42 km in the canton of Thurgau and 19 kilometers in the Canton of Zurich. Its catchment area covers an area of around 1696 km ².

Flow path

Thurquelle - Wattwil

The source of the River Thur is SAILORS. Then it flows through underwater where the Wildhauser Thur opens, to Alt St. Johann and from there to Starkenbach where the New Alpbach and the service provider Bach opens. In Müli in stone the Wissthur opens a after the Chlusbach is accrued in ensign. In the center of the Nesslau Luteren flows into the Thur before a village further, will flow in the Krummenau Lütisbach. In Ebnat -Kappel stone Taler Bach, Stelzbach and shortly thereafter the Mettlenstrasse stream flow, and the Rickenpass shortly before Wattwil comes the Rickenbach added, after which the field creek.

Wattwil - Schwarzbach

In Krinau for light climbing then is added the Krinaubach. A little later, in the center of Unterdietfurt (municipality Bütschwil ) flows of a Taabach. Shortly thereafter opens the Tobelacker Bach in the Thur. With little more mouths Ride to Lutisburg where the Necker will flow.

Schwarzenbach Weinfelden

Without large inflows, but with a large curve goes over it Schwarzenbach at Wil to Niederuzwil where the Uze opens. Presently in Oberbüren opens the smoothness. In Bischofszell the riverbed almost makes a U-turn, whereas the sitter will flow. In the vicinity of Bourguillon the Rütibach opens, and a church on, in Weinfelden, opens out the casting.

Weinfelden - Rhine estuary

Then it goes to Pfyn, where the single channel and the Chemenbach will flow. If you then finally arrives in Frauenfeld, flows the Murg in the Thur. The Niderwisenbach flows shortly after the Thur is over flowed into Wäspersbüel, and just before it flows into the Rhine, too.


The mean annual flood of the River Thur is 588.52 m³ / s The highest ever measured annual peak was measured in 1999 and was 1130 m³ / s

The table of flood probabilities for the Thur at the last measurement point before the confluence with the Rhine.

More measuring points

The BfU measuring point network recognized for Thur following additional measuring points:

  • Thur - Jonschwil, Muehlau


The Thurfälle in underwater SG

In Alt St. Johann

Small hydropower plant Muehlau nearing completion

The mouth of smooth and Uze in Oberbüren

The achtjochige Thurbrücke of 1487 Bischofszell

The Ossinger viaduct from 1877 on the railway line Winterthur - Etzwilen

At Flaach

In Warth

Confluence of Thur and Rhine

Tributaries of the River Thur

  • Wissthur (with stone)
  • Luteren ( in Neu St. Johann )
  • Unterdietfurt Erbach ( at Unterdietfurt )
  • Necker ( at Lutisburg )
  • Gonzenbach ( at Lutisburg )
  • Uze ( at Niederuzwil ) Tributaries see Uze
  • Tributaries see Straight
  • Schwendibach
  • Wissbach
  • Rotbach
  • Wattenbach Gstaldenbach
  • Buebenrütibach
  • Wissbach
  • Wisebach Tobelbach
  • Mülibach
  • Tosbach
  • Ford Ibach
  • Lützelmurg
  • Lauche


The Thurweg, a 60 km long hiking trail takes you along the banks of the River Thur from Wil up for wild house. The green valley of the Thur offers here a wide plethora of distractions, whether in the countryside, in the villages or on the Thur crossing bridges.
