
Kakumäe is a municipality (Estonian asum ) of the Estonian capital Tallinn. The district is located in the Haabersti district.


Kakumäe has 1,262 inhabitants (as of 1 May 2010).

Kakumäe is the most north-western district of the Estonian capital. It is located on the top of the same name, four kilometer long peninsula ( Kakumäe neem or Kakumäe pool saar ). To the west is the Bay of Kakumäe ( Kakumäe Laht ), east of the Bay of Kopli ( Kopli Laht ).

Kakumäe is today a preferred residential area of Tallinn city population. With its beaches, the Klint with sweeping views over the Gulf of Finland and a largely untouched landscape, it draws nigh to numerous trippers. In Kakumäe there is also a marina.


The village Kakumäe ( German Kakomäggi ) was first mentioned in 1697. The name probably comes from the same stream that flowed from the Harku lake in the Baltic Sea. A " bridging the Kakamaye " is already taken for the year 1469.

In 1975, the village was Kakumäe of Tallinn incorporated.
