Mountains classification in the Tour de France

The polka-dot jersey of the Tour de France (. Fr. maillot [ blanc ] à pois rouges; engl polka - dot jersey ) is on a white background red dotted rating jersey and on the respective leader of the mountains classification (current French original name: classement individual you meilleur grimpeur, dt: Rating the best climber ) awarded. For the first time the best climber in the Tour in 1933 was awarded the Grand Prix de la Montagne. However, it is only since 1975, own jersey for the best climber.

Visual design

The distinctive design of the dotted jerseys goes back to the French chocolate manufacturer " Chocolat Poulain " in the white paper sold his chocolate with red dots and the jersey originally sponsored. Although the sponsor has now changed, the focus optics has been retained.


The mode of the mountain classification is similar to the points classification. At the end of each classified as mountains classification by the organizer slope points are awarded. The category describes the difficulty of the climb. The highest rating is the Hors Category (HC), being the lowest, is the fourth category. Points are awarded depending on the placement in the mountains classification. The award of mountain points is not limited to the mountains, but can take place on flat stages with smaller slopes ( hills, for example the 4th category ). For 2012, the following scheme applies:

The winner is the rider with the most points. Case of a tie between two or more drivers, the decisive criterion is the number of first places in mountain passages of the Hors Category. Should this turn, give a tie, decide the number of the first places in the mountain stages of the next category. In case of a tie even after number of first places in all categories, the placement of the driver in the overall classification is finally prevail.

Increases " Hors Categorie "

As Hors Catégorie (French ) abbreviated HC, roughly translated outside the categories, category or extraordinary honor category is usually classified by the Tour de France organizer ASO, which also organizes other cycling race, an increase that is either more than 1500 vertical meters or 1000 meters with an average gradient greater than 6.5 % overcomes. There are in the Tour de France but also passports do not meet these parameters and still are considered mountains of Honor category. So, for example, has the climb to Luz Ardiden only 870 meters and the Port de Balès has only 6.3 % grade on average. The Port d' Envalira other hand, has 1685 meters of altitude, yet is because of the relatively low slope of a mountain in the first category.

The following passes were classified in the Tour de France climbs hors categorie:

The four bold mountains are considered the most famous climbs of the Tour de France.

Winner of the mountains classification

Richard Virenque was the polka-dot jersey total win seven times, while the first driver four times in a row ( 1994-1997). In 1998, he was not due to the involvement possible in the Festina doping scandal to continue the series. The six winning Federico Bahamontes and Lucien Van Impe, the rating of the best climber.

Chronological list of winners of the mountains classification


Victories by nationality

Carrier of the dotted jerseys from German-speaking countries

So far (as of 2008 ) contributed five riders from Germany, one from Switzerland and one from Austria, the dotted jersey.
