Sam Gejdenson

Samuel Gejdenson ( born May 20, 1948 in Eschwege, Germany ) is an American politician. Between 1981 and 2001 he represented the second electoral district of the state of Connecticut in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Sam Gejdenson was born the son of a White Russian and a Lithuanian woman in an American refugee camp in northern Hesse Eschwege. He grew up in Bozrah (Connecticut ) on a dairy farm. Until 1968 he attended Mitchell Junior College. Then he studied until 1970 at the University of Connecticut. In the following years he was at times a farmer and broker and worked for the FAI Trading Company. Politically Gejdenson became a member of the Democratic Party. In 1973, he was Chairman of the City Council of Bozrah from 1974 to 1978 he sat as an MP in the House of Representatives from Connecticut. In the meantime, he led the Montessori School in Norwich.

In the congressional elections of 1980 Gejdenson in the second district of Connecticut was in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington DC selected. There he entered on January 3, 1981 to succeed Chris Dodd. After nine, some scarce, re- election he was able to complete in Congress until January 3, 2001, a total of ten legislative periods. There he was at times a member and chairman of a subcommittee. Later, he was also a member of the Committee on International Relations.

In the 2000 elections Gejdenson defeated Republican Rob Simmons. Today he runs his own international trading company. He is married to Betsy Henley- Cohn and lives in Branford. In 2006, he supported Joe Courtney, who against Rob Simmons back won the second constituency for the Democratic Party in a close election.
