Shire of Glenelg

- 38.333333333333141.6Koordinaten: 38 ° 20 ' S, 141 ° 36' O Glenelg Shire is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Victoria. The area is 6212 km ² and has about 20,000 inhabitants.

Glenelg is located in the extreme southwest of Victoria about 360 km west of the capital, Melbourne on the border with South Australia and includes the following towns a: Casterton, Brimboal, Henty, Digby, Hotspur, Wallacedale, Condah, Nelson, Dartmoor, Merino, Heywood, Narrawongun and Portland. The seat of the City Council is located in the coastal city of Portland, which has about 8,500 inhabitants.

Portland is the oldest settlement in Victoria. Already in 1800 the bay was discovered and the end of 1834, the sheep farmer Edward Henty at Portland Bay settled. He was the first settler who permanently in Australia took hold, and he founded the successful Australian sheep wool industry.

Portland is the only natural deep-water port between the Südküstenmetropolen Melbourne and Adelaide, which is the place in the early years also benefited, to the rank him was expired from Port Phillip with the settlements of Melbourne and Geelong. Only in the 1980s, the port regained significance by a large aluminum smelter. Since 1996, the Port of Portland is the first privatized port facility in Australia.

The Shire has a diverse landscape: From hilly pasture land in the north of the river landscape in the Glenelg River to Discovery Coast in the south. In particular, Cape Nelson and Cape Bridgewater southwest of Portland are also interesting for tourists. To include a sea lion colony and from the coast observable blue whales to the attractions.

From the Warrock Station at Casterton in the north of Glenelg Shire comes the Kelpie, an Australian dog breed breed.


The Glenelg Shire Council has nine members, who are elected by the residents of the nine ridings. These nine districts are Cobboboonee, Dutton, Fawthrop, Gilmore, Grant, Henty, Mitchell and Matthew Clay. From the circle of Councillor also the Mayor ( Mayor ) of the Council recruited.
