Armigerous Clan

A armigerous Clan is a Scottish clan, a Scottish family or a Scottish name that / which is registered at the Court of the Lord Lyon and is led by a Chief or was. A armigerous clan carrying a trunk emblem, is being or has not led by a chief, who is recognized as such by Lyon Court / was. 1745 Before each chief led his own coat of arms, but not every is in the Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland (founded in 1672) registered.

In the Scottish Heraldry Master of Arms were carried out by the Chiefs, heads of families, families or name carriers. In Scotland a clan is considered a " noble society" and " Clan Chief" is an honorary title. With this title, the Chief transferred the noble status in his clan. Since armigerous clans have or have had such Chief, they are not recognized as "noble society" and have no legally recognized status in Scottish law.
