Forgaria nel Friuli

Forgaria nel Friuli is an Italian commune in the province of Udine, in the Friuli- Venezia Giulia with 1827 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012).

The territory of Forgaria located in the Venetian Plain in the catchment area of the Tagliamento. The municipality is the Area Geografica: assigned Bacino del Fiume Tagliamento Idrografico and heard the following associations and organizations: Comunità Montana del Gemonese Can al del Ferro Val Canale, Unione Comuni della Val d' Arzino Regione Agraria n 2 - Carnia Orientale Area Minoranza Linguistica friulana. Districts are Cornino, San Rocco, Flagogna and Monteprat.

The municipality has 1893 inhabitants and borders the municipalities of Majano, Osoppo Pinzano al Tagliamento (PN), Ragogna, San Daniele del Friuli, Trasaghis and Vito d'Asio (PN).

In the district Flagogna there are ruins of a Lombard Castle, the Castel Raimondo in the capital of excavations since 1988 have shown continuous settlement since the 4th century BC. Around the lake of Cornino a protected area is designated. The fauna includes numerous birds of prey, in a special project such were settled.
