Donato Guerra, State of Mexico

19.31100.14Koordinaten: 19 ° 19 ' N, 100 ° 8' O

Donato Guerra is a municipality in the Mexican state of México. The community had in 2010 33.455 inhabitants, its surface area is 193.6 km ².

Administrative headquarters of the Municipalities is the village of Villa Donato Guerra with 980 inhabitants, as Localidades estratégicas contrary, are San Agustín de las Palmas, San Antonio de la Laguna and San Juan Xoconusco. Largest place of Municipalities is San Simón de la Laguna with 4,996 inhabitants.


Donato Guerra is located in the west of the State of México to the Sierra Mil Cumbres.

The municipality of Donato Guerra borders the Municipalities Amanalco, Villa de Allende Valle de Bravo and Ixtapan del Oro as well as on the state of Michoacán.
