
19:46 - 99.6Koordinaten: 19 ° 28 ' N, 99 ° 36 ' W

Temoaya is a municipality in the Mexican state of México. The seat of the municipality is the same Temoaya. The community had in 2010 90.010 inhabitants, its surface area is 189.8 km ².


Temoaya located in the western part of the State of Mexico, about 80 kilometers west of Mexico City and 20 km north of Toluca de Lerdo at an altitude between 2600 m and 3500 m. The Río Lerma forms part of the southern boundary of the Municipalities and passes through the municipal area of the reservoir Alzate. Also in Temoaya the nature reserve Parque Otomí - Mexica. About two-thirds of the municipal area to serve the agriculture.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Temoaya Zinacantepec, Valle de Bravo, Amanalco, Zacazonapan, San Simón de Guerrero, Texcaltitlán, Coatepec Harinas and Tejupilco.

Places and people

The municipality comprises 63 Temoaya places three of which have at least 5000 people, another 16 at least 1500 and 28 more at least 500 inhabitants. The main towns of the municipios are:

At the 2010 census the municipality of 17,941 households were recorded. More than 20,000 people over 5 years claimed to speak an indigenous language. 25 % of the population Temoayas lived in extreme poverty.
