Hueypoxtla (municipality)

19.916666666667 - 99.05Koordinaten: 19 ° 55 ' N, 99 ° 3' W

Hueypoxtla is a municipality in the Mexican state of México. It belongs to the Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México, the metropolitan region around Mexico City. The seat of the municipality is the same Hueypoxtla. The community had in 2010 39.864 inhabitants, its surface area is 235.2 km ².


Hueypoxtla located in the north of the state of México, located about 50 km north of Mexico City.

The municipality is bordered to the north by Ajacuba and San Agustín Tlaxiaca in the state of Hidalgo, to the east by Tolcayuca ( Hidalgo ), to the southeast by Tizayuca ( Hidalgo ), to the south Zumpango, on the west by Tequixquiac and Apaxco (all México ).


Hueypoxtla counted 39 864 inhabitants in 2010.

Biggest Towns
