

Overview map of the hawk forests Bergland

The hawk forests Bergland, usually only called Hawk Forest, is a 209 km ² and in the High Hawk Forest at High Grass to 614.8 m above sea level. NN high and special forested in the highlands of its hills mountain range in northern Hesse. It lies mostly in the district of Kassel, however, interfering in the East also spread to the city of Kassel and in the south on the Schwalm- Eder-Kreis.

The hill country is the natural area in West Hessian and lowering land (main unit group 34 ) the main unit 342 is and is divided into several merging into one another mountain ranges, the north almost to Diemel, to the south close to the headwaters of the Eder- inflow Ems and west pull the Twiste inflow Erpe. Its expansion into North North West South-southeast direction is a good 25 km with a width of about 10 km.

Location and boundaries

The hawk forests Bergland is located mainly in the nature park forest hawk.

The eastern part of the hill country occupies the contiguous forest area of Mittelgebirgszugs High Hawk Forest, which reaches into the built-up areas of Kassel city area and also the highest mountain land supply (max. 614.8 m) represents. This mountain area is to the north through the natural area Dörnberg pass from the massif of the High Dornberg with the north subsequent horrors mountains (both in the natural area Dörnberg and terror mountains ) separated, which pass around to the northwest in the times Wald as the northernmost part of the landscape.

South of the High Forest, the hawk hoofer gate, which in turn directs the south of it and at the same time situated in the south of the mountains long mountains to the. From the gate to the hawk forests sink draws the heat in the direction north-north- west and separates the west of it located back hawk forests crests of the eastern mountain ranges High Hawk Forest and Dörnberg and terror mountains.

Nature regions

For the hawk forests Bergland these natural areas are in the Environmental Atlas Hessen divided - with area in square kilometers (km ²) and maximum height in meters ( m) above mean sea level ( MSL ):

  • 342 hawk forests Bergland 342.0 Hawk Forest ( with Langenberg ) 342.00 High Hawk Forest ( 38.21 km ², 614.8 m)
  • 342.01 hoofer Gate ( 15.62 km ², 499.9 m)
  • 342.02 Langenberg ( 22.35 km ², 556.7 m)
  • 342.10 Breitenbacher trough ( 11.00 km ²)
  • 342.11 Grace Berger reason ( 29.48 km ²)
  • 342.30 Dörnbergpaß (4.75 km ²)


→ see also: List of mountains and elevations of the nature park Hawk Forest

To the mountains and foothills in the surveys and their hawk forests Bergland include - among others with height in meters ( m) above mean sea level ( MSL ) and natural areas:

  • Tall grass ( 614.8 m, High Hawk Forest ) - with a lookout tower and Berggaststätte Tall grass and a small winter sports area; Fulda Diemel watershed
  • Big Bear Mountain ( 600.7 m, rear hawk forest knolls ) - north of the studs; with a lookout tower Bear Mountain
  • High Dörnberg ( 578.7 m, Dörnberg and terror mountains ) - with a large ring wall; hardly forested; good view of possibility; Fulda Diemel watershed
  • Big Gudenberg ( 568.7 m, rear hawk forest knolls ) - extreme north of the studs; with castle ruins Big Gudenberg
  • Schwengeberg ( 556.7 m, Langenberg ) - the center of the Langeberg Mountains; Eder- Bauna watershed
  • Elfbuchen (about 535 m, High Hawk Forest ) - with überragtem of trees ( locked ) observation tower Elfbuchenturm
  • Running head ( 534.8 m, Langeberg Mountains ) - the center of the Langeberg Mountains; Eder- Bauna watershed
  • Karlberg ( 526.2 m, High Hawk Forest ) - City of Hercules at about 515 m height
  • Wattenberg ( 516.2 m, rear hawk forest knolls ) - center of the studs; Eder- Diemel watershed
  • Castle Hill ( Castle Look ) ( 499.9 m, hoofer gate) - Northern foothills of the Langeberg Mountains in the gate; Eder- Bauna watershed; with remnants of the castle ruins look
  • Lindenberg ( 485.9 m, hoofer gate) - extreme northern foothills of the Langeberg Mountains in the gate; Eder- Diemel watershed
  • Burghasunger mountain ( 479.7 m, rear hawk forests crests ) in the mid tops - site of the former ( monastery Hasungen )
  • Niedensteiner head ( 475 m, Langeberg Mountains ) - West of the Langeberg Mountains; with a lookout tower Hesse
  • Big Schreckenberg (460 m, Dörnberg and terror mountains ) - with a lookout tower Schreckenberg
  • Bilstein (about 460 m, Langenberg ) - south of the Langeberg Mountains; with Ring Wall
  • Escheberg ( 448.9 m, Paint Wald )
  • Emser mountain ( 446.5 m, rear hawk forest knolls ) - extreme southern part of the knolls
  • Castle Hill ( Baunatal ) ( 439.6 m, Langeberg Mountains ) - east of the Langeberg Mountains; with Ring Wall
  • Hangar stone ( 418.5 m, Dörnberg and terror mountains ) - with Hangarsteinsee
  • Again Berg ( 405.6 m, Paint Wald ) - with castle ruins Malsburg


River systems

The hawk forests Bergland is shared by the watershed between Fulda and Diemel that leaves in a northeasterly direction from the west over the summit of Wattenberg, Lindenberg, Tall Grass and High Dörnberg the natural environment, into two approximately equal halves.

The dewatering to Diemel northern half turn, is divided by the flowing north along the Hawk Valley Warm forests into two halves. The heat drains the northern half of the highlands also almost completely - only in the West bears the Erpe some water to Twiste and the little brook Calenberger some directly to Diemel.

The west of the southern half of the highlands drained by the Ems to the southeast, in its west via tributaries of the Elbe River to the south and southeast over the pilgrim in his Bach each eastward toward the Eder. On the other flow the streams in the eastern part of the landscape, especially Bauna, Drusel and ancestor, directly to the east of Fulda.

Outline of the highlands river valleys and A44

The river valleys of heat, Bauna and Ems play a special role in the structure of the hawk forests highlands. While separating the headwaters of Warm accompanying hawk forests sink westbound from her rear hawk forest knolls of High Hawk Forest and the north adjoining natural area Dörnberg and terror mountains, separates the the upper reaches of Bauna accompanying hoofer gate the chief hawk forest of the more southerly Long mountains. The Ems in turn passes in the source during the Breitenbacher depression, such as the southern part of the Hawk Valley forests is also called. The cash inflows Wiehoff forms in the source course the border between the Langhe hills and woods rear hawk tops.

The Federal Highway 44 follows from Kassel from the Bauna upriver to the northwest in the hoofer gate and crossed the Fulda- Diemel watershed in northeastern Breitenbacher trough to the west parallel of heat, downstream to the north by the Grace Berger reason the northern goshawk forest sink to follow. On the northern Interface to times Wald they finally swung westward to follow outside the Habichtswalds future more or less the Erpe or Twiste to the northwest. This highway is a fairly exact dividing line between a southwest half of the highlands with background hawk forests tops, long mountains and hollows Breitenbacher well and hoofer gate on the one hand and the northeast half with High Hawk Forest, Dörnberg and terror mountains, Paint Burger forest and the valley floor Grace Berger reason.


Following are - by size or importance as bio-physical border river - flowing waters of the hawk forests highlands and the directly adjacent ridges, arranged clockwise starting, listed on the west side of the Fulda- Diemel watershed.

For a better overview and sorting downstream are, depending on the river system in the DGKZ digits after the number of the respective main river hyphens inserted. Italics rivers originate just outside, on the outer slope of the highlands.

( *: The catchment areas of the lower reaches of ancestor and Drusel and the complete of Horny Bach are the Fulda assigned Therefore, the catchment areas of the rivers and drains in truth are larger than indicated here.. )

Still waters

Among the standing water in the hawk forests mountains and its foothills are:

  • Asch; in the mountain park William height, High Hawk Forest
  • Bühl; at Ahnatal -Weimar
  • Fontaine pond; in the mountain park William height, High Hawk Forest
  • Hangarsteinsee; at Calden - Fürstenwald
  • Höllchen; at Dörnberg, High Hawk Forest
  • Lac ( Schlossteich ); in the mountain park William height, High Hawk Forest
  • Sichelbach pool; High position of the High hawk forest
  • Silver Lake; at Dörnberg, High Hawk Forest


One of the hiking trails in the woods hawk Bergland include Baunapfad, Bonifatiusweg, Eder sea, Fulda Diemel way, hawk forest path, Herkulesweg, Kassel - climbing, Löwenweg, fairy tale land and students path and the cycle paths of Hessencourrier bike path.
