La Roche-Canillac

La Roche- Canillac (La Rocha Canilhac in Occitan ) is a commune with 156 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the department of Corrèze, in the Limousin region. The municipality is the capital of the canton of La Roche- Canillac and seat of the municipal association Doustre et plateau of Étangs.


The municipality is located in the Massif Central and is crossed by the river Doustre, a tributary of the Dordogne. The prefecture of the department of Tulle is located approximately 24 kilometers southwest and Égletons 30 km northeast easily.

Neighboring communities of La Roche- Canillac are Gumond in the North, Gros- Chastang in the Northeast, Saint- Martin-la- Méanne in the southeast and Champagnac -la -Prune in the southwest.

Population Development
