Acala, Chiapas

16.554722222222 - 92.805555555556Koordinaten: 16 ° 33 'N, 92 ° 48 ' W

Acala is centrally located in the Mexican state of Chiapas municipality located in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. The municipality has 29,000 inhabitants and is 295.6 km ². Administrative seat is the same Acala.

Acala is a pre-Hispanic city and the meaning of the word is place the canoes or place of canoes.

The municipality borders the municipalities Acacoyagua Zinacantán, San Lucas, Chiapilla, Venustiano Carranza, Totolopa and Chiapa de Corzo.


Acacoyagua | Acala | Acapetahua | Aldama | Altamirano | Amatán | Amatenango de la Frontera | Amatenango del Valle | Ángel Albino Corzo | Arriaga | Bejucal de Ocampo | Belisario Domínguez | Bella Vista | Benemérito de las Américas | Berriozábal | Bochil | Cacahoatán | Catazajá | Chalchihuitán | Chamula | Chanal | Chapultenango | Chenalhó | Chiapa de Corzo | Chiapilla | Chicoasén | Chicomuselo | Chilón | Cintalapa | Coapilla | Comitán de Domínguez | Copainalá | El Bosque | El Parral | El Porvenir | Emiliano Zapata | Escuintla | Francisco Leon | Frontera Comalapa | Frontera Hidalgo | Huehuetán | Huitiupan | Huixtán | Huixtla | Ixhuatán | Ixtacomitán | Ixtapa | Ixtapangajoya | Jiquipilas | Jitotol | Juárez | La Concordia | La Grandeza | La Independencia | La Libertad | La Trinitaria | Larráinzar | Las Margaritas | Las Rosas | Mapastepec | Maravilla Tenejapa | Marqués de Comillas | Mazapa de Madero | Mazatán | Metapa | Mezcalapa | Mitontic | Monte Cristo de Guerrero | Motozintla | Nicolás Ruiz | Ocosingo | Ocotepec | Ocozocoautla de Espinosa | Ostuacan | Osumacinta | Oxchuc | Palenque | Pantelhó | Pantepec | Pichucalco | Pijijiapan | Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán | Rayón | Reforma | Sabanilla | Salto de Agua | San Andrés Duraznal | San Cristobal de las Casas | San Fernando | San Juan Cancuc | San Lucas | Santiago el Pinar | Siltepec | Simojovel | Sitala | Socoltenango | Solosuchiapa | Soyaló | Suchiapa | Suchiate | Sunuapa | Tapachula | Tapalapa | Tapilula | Tecpatán | Tenejapa | Teopisca | Tila | Tonala | Totolapa | Tumbalá | Tuxtla Chico | Tuxtla Gutiérrez | Tuzantán | Tzimol | Unión Juárez | Venustiano Carranza | Comaltitlán Villa | Villa Corzo | Villa Flores | Yajalón | Zinacantán

  • Municipality in Chiapas