
17:15 - 92.716666666667Koordinaten: 17 ° 9 ' N, 92 ° 43 ' W

Simojovel is a municipality in the Mexican state of Chiapas, located in the mid north of the state. The municipality is located in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas.

The municipality has about 40,000 inhabitants and an area of 315 km ². Biggest site of the Municipalities and also his administrative headquarters is Simojovel de Allende. The second largest town is Pueblo Nuevo Sitala.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Simojovel Huitiupan, Sabanilla, Tila, Yajalón, Pantelhó, Chalchihuitán, El Bosque, Jitotol, San Andrés and Pueblo Nuevo Duraznal Solistahuacán.
