El Oro, State of Mexico

19.800833333333 - 100.13138888889Koordinaten: 19 ° 48 ' N, 100 ° 8' W

El Oro is a municipality in the Mexican state of México. The seat of the municipality and the largest town is the Pueblo Mágico El Oro de Hidalgo; other large towns are La Concepción, Santiago Oxtempan, San Nicolás Tultenango and Santa Rosa de Lima. The community had in 2010 34.446 inhabitants, its surface area is 138 km ².


El Oro is located in the northwest of the state of Mexico, about 85 km north- west of Toluca de Lerdo.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Temascalcingo, Jocotitlan, San Felipe del Progreso and San José del Rincón, as well as to the state of Michoacán.
