
19.707222222222 - 99.786666666667Koordinaten: 19 ° 42 'N, 99 ° 47 ' W

Jocotitlan is a municipality in the Mexican state of México. The municipality had the Census 2010 61.204 inhabitants, the area of ​​the municipios amounts to 278.2 km ².

Administrative headquarters and populous strongest of the 50 places of Municipalities is the same Jocotitlan, another major places in the municipality of Santa María are Citendeje, San Miguel Tenochtitlán, San Juan and Santiago Cuajomulco Casandeje.


Jocotitlan is in the northwest of the state of México, located about 60 km north of Toluca de Lerdo. The municipality lies at an altitude of 2530 m on the Rio Lerma to 3952 m at the summit of Xocotépetl. About 80 % of the area of the municipios are used for agriculture.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Jocotitlan El Oro, Temascalcingo, Atlacomulco, Morelos, Jiquipilco, Ixtlahuaca and San Felipe del Progreso.
