List of rivers of Ukraine

The list of rivers in Ukraine contains a selection of rivers of Ukraine.

All listed below watercourses - streams, rivers and streams - flow through the Ukraine in whole or in part. Artificial channels are not included in this list.

With few exceptions ( Bug, San ) which flow into the Baltic Sea, including the rivers of Ukraine to the catchment area of the Black Sea and its tributary Sea, the Sea of ​​Azov, forming a coastline of 2782 km length in the south of Ukraine.

In the following list the rivers are named after the river system to which they belong, belongs. The rivers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are listed separately. The length in kilometers and the size of the catchment area are related to the entire course of the river, even if it is partially outside of Ukraine. Flows over 500 km in length are shown in "bold ".

  • 3.1 Vistula river system

Longest Rivers in the Ukraine

Rivers in the catchment area of the Black Sea

Danube river system

See also: Category: Danube river system

Dnepr river system

See also: Category: Dnepr river system

Dniester river system

See also: Category: Dniester river system

Seversky Donets river system

See also: Category: Seversky Donets river system

River Southern Bug System

See also: Category: Southern Bug river system

Rivers of peninsula Crimea

Other rivers to the Black Sea

Rivers in the catchment area of the Baltic Sea

Vistula river system

See also: Category: Vistula river system
