Roads in Portugal

The national roads in Portugal were established on 11 May 1945 a regulation. Your Portuguese name is " Estrada Nacionais ". Signposted they are with an "N " and the number of black letters on a white background. They are divided into three classes. The N1 -N18 include the first class with the suffix " Itinerarios principais " belonging N101 - N125 as well to the first class, only without the addition. Class 2 covers the N201 - N270 and class 3 includes the N301 - N398. Furthermore, the side branches of the streets belong ( " Ramais " ) to third grade. Your award is made by the master street number followed by a dash and behind this a consecutive number. The N1 has 16 side branches, the highest number of these.

First Class ( Itinerarios principais )
