
16.883333333333 - 92.633333333333Koordinaten: 16 ° 53 'N, 92 ° 38 ' W

Chenalhó is a municipality in the center of the Mexican state of Chiapas. The name comes from the Tzotzil and Chenalhó means cave water.

This municipality has about 36,000 inhabitants and an area of 252.2 km ². Largest place of Municipalities and county seat is the same Chenalhó ( 3,143 inhabitants), the second largest town with 2,068 inhabitants, is Tzeltal.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Chenalhó Pantelhó, San Juan Cancuc, Tenejapa, Mitontic, Chamula, Aldama, and Larráinzar Chalchihuitán.
