
15.370833333333 - 92.248333333333Koordinaten: 15 ° 22 ' N, 92 ° 15 ' W

Motozintla is a municipality in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. The municipality is located in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. The name comes from the Nahuatl Motozintla and means " hillside of squirrels ".

The municipality has 69 119 inhabitants in 13,782 households and an area of ​​586.4 km ². Administrative seat and largest town of the Municipalities is Motozintla de Mendoza; second largest city of the Municipalities is Belisario Domínguez.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Motozintla Tapachula, Tuzantán, Huixtla, Escuintla, Siltepec, El Porvenir and Mazapa de Madero, and to the Republic of Guatemala.
