Tonalá, Chiapas

16.1 - 93.75Koordinaten: 16 ° 6 ' N, 93 ° 45 ' W

Tonala is a municipality in the west of the Mexican state of Chiapas. The municipality has 84 594 inhabitants and an area of 1858.9 km ². Administrative seat and largest of more than 500 locations in the municipality of the same name Tonala ( 35.322 inhabitants), more cities with more than 2,500 inhabitants are Paredón, Tres Picos and Cabeza de Toro. In addition, there are two nature reserves in the municipality of La Sepultura and Playa de Puerto Arista.

Tonala borders the Municipalities Villa Corzo, Arriaga, Villa Flores and Pijijiapan as well as to the state of Oaxaca and the Pacific.
