John C. Gray

John Cowper Gray ( * 1783 in Southampton County, Virginia; † May 18, 1823 ) was an American politician. In the years 1820 and 1821, he represented the state of Virginia in the U.S. House of Representatives.


About John Gray are not recorded much information. Neither be more precise birthplace nor his date of birth is known. Also, there is no evidence about his life beyond politics. He received an academic education. Politically, he was a member of the founded by Thomas Jefferson Democratic- Republican Party. Between 1804 and 1806, and again from 1821 to 1823 he sat in the House of Representatives of Virginia.

Following the resignation of Mr James Johnson Gray was at the due election for the 20th seat of Virginia as his successor in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington DC chosen, where he took up his new mandate on 28 August 1820. Since he has not been confirmed at the regular congressional elections of 1820, he could only finish the current term in Congress until March 3, 1821.

Also on his activities after his retirement from the U.S. House of Representatives nothing is handed down. It is noted without locality, that he died on 18 March 1823.
