
Singrist is a municipality with 365 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the canton Marmoutier in the department of Bas -Rhin in Alsace region of France.


The place is located in the Upper Rhine plain near the Vosges. Singrist is located on the secondary road D 422: Saverne in the north is 9 km and 19 km in the south of Molsheim. About the Department road D 1004, which runs through the village also, you will reach 31 kilometers in the easternmost major city of Strasbourg.

The municipality is bordered to the north by Marmoutier, on the northeast by Reutenbourg, to the east by Jetterswiller, on the southeast by Crastatt, to the south Romanswiller and Allenwiller, on the southwest by Salenthal and to the west by Dimbsthal


The village already existed in 827 days it was placed under the Abbey of Marmoutier monastery.

In the Thirty Years' War troops were stationed in the town.

