Roland Baar

Roland Baar ( born April 12, 1965 in Osterholz- Beck) is a former German rowers and mechanical engineer.

Baar was batsman of Germany rowing eight from 1989 to 1996. He won Olympic bronze in the eight in 1992 and Olympic silver in 1996. Champion he was in the years 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995. 1998, he was with the international Thomas Keller Medal "for at outstanding career in rowing " excellent.

Roland Baar has remained connected to the sport after his retirement from active competitive sports. He worked as an athlete representative with the Athletes' Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and was from 1999 to 2004 IOC member and committee member in NOK. Since 2005 he works in the IOC Commission for Sport and Environment with. In 2008 he supported as an "expert " the moderation team ZDF at the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. For his services to the sport in Lower Saxony, he was appointed the honor gallery of the Lower Saxony Institute for Sports History.

Roland Baar studied engineering and was established in 1996 with a thesis on studies of acceleration processes of particles in jets and beams at the Leibniz University of Hannover Dr.- Ing. doctorate. He then worked in the automotive industry - first at Volkswagen since the end of 2006 at Voith AG, where he established the business field for turbochargers and their Research & Development.

Since 2000 he has worked as a lecturer at the University of Hannover. In early 2009 he was appointed honorary professor there. In July 2011 he was appointed professor for the field of internal combustion engines at the TU Berlin.

Roland Baar is married and has two children.
