Watkins Moorman Abbitt

Watkins Moorman Abbitt ( born May 21, 1908 in Lynchburg, Virginia; † July 13, 1998 ) was an American politician. He represented the state of Virginia as a delegate in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Watkins Abbitt graduated in 1925 at the Agricultural High School in Appomattox. Then he made in 1931 his Bachelor of Laws at the University of Richmond. He then practiced as a lawyer in his practice. Between 1932 and 1948 he served as prosecutor of Appomattox County. Meanwhile Abbitt was a member of Virginia's 1945 Constitutional Convention. In addition, he was a delegate to the 1964 Democratic National Convention. He also led a bank.

Abbitt was elected in a special election as a Democrat to the 80th Congress to fill the vacancy, created by the death of U.S. Representative Patrick H. Drewry. Subsequently, he was still re-elected twelve more times. His tenure came on 17 February 1948 to 3 January 1973. He decided in 1972 to the 93rd Congress not to run. During his tenure in Congress, he participated at the 1956 Constitution of the Southern Manifesto, which spoke out against racial integration in public institutions.

Abbitt died on 13 July 1998. He was buried in Liberty Cemetery in Appomattox.
