Gioia Sannitica

Gioia Sannitica is a town with 3630 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in Italy, located in the province of Caserta and thus belongs to the region of Campania. It is part of the Comunità Montana del Matese. At Gioia include the following communities: Carattano, Calvisi, Criscia, Curti, Caselle, Auduni and Madonna del Bagno. Gioia Sannitica lies at the foot of Mount Matese, which is close to a medieval castle is located.


It is known for rare records not much of the story Gioia. However, according to one historian, the original village was destroyed in the Samnite wars. But some survivors built the village again and called it Gioja. In ancient maps but you Gioja place under the name Terra or Terra Jani Jiojae. Later Gioia Sannitica attacks of the barbarians, the Lombards, the Franks and the Normans had to face. With the arrival of the Normans Gioia became a barony. To the year 1000 then the Castello was built. In the 16th century Gioia was a thriving center. The addition Sannitica got Gioia then awarded by the King Victor Emmanuel II on 12 October 1862. During the 2nd World War Gioia Sannitica was occupied by the SS and the inhabitants fled from their brutality in the mountains.
