Flag of Vermont

The current flag of the U.S. state of Vermont was introduced in 1923.


It shows on a blue background, the state seal. The blue color is based on the former militia flag.

The seal with the single jaw goes back to a seal from the period 1777 to 1791, when Vermont was independent for a few years. The current seal dates from the year 1821 and symbolized the "Green Mountain State ", the "Green Mountain State ".

A banner is the name of Vermont and the motto of the state:

Historical flags

Flag of Vermont 1804-1837

Flag of Vermont 1837-1923


The first flag of Vermont was the. Of the Vermont militia, the Green Mountain Boys, who organized in 1770 The first use of the flag of the Green Mountain Boys goes back to 1777.

Vermont took in 1804 to a flag that was - with the U.S. national flag very similar to 17 white and red stripes. Since 1804, the number of states had risen to 17, we expected that the U.S. flag would be - what also get 17 strips did not happen. Therefore, Vermont had introduced 17 flags. 1837 the flag was changed again, back in very strong based on the U.S. flag.
