
The Nangar National Park is a national park in the center of the Australian state of New South Wales, 252 kilometers west of Sydney. The park is located in the center between the cities of Orange and Forbes on the Nungar - Murga Range. In the park, which has an area of 92 km ², the highest peak of this mountain, the Nangar Mountain is 778 meters high.

The forest consists of black pine and eucalyptus trees, the Scribbly Gum (Eucalyptus rossii ) and the Ironbark (Eucalyptus crebra ), the undergrowth of Grevilleen, thyme milkweed, blue lily ( Nodding Blue Lily, Stypandra glauca ) and orchids ( Waxlip Orchid ).

Typical birds in the park are wrens, Acanthiza, falcons, hawks, peregrine falcons and brown-headed cockatoos. The mammals we find the eastern gray kangaroo, as well as gray, Rothals and Sumpfwallabys.
