Glenn Andrews

Arthur Glenn Andrews ( born January 15, 1909 in Anniston, Alabama, † September 25, 2008 ) was an American politician of the Republican Party.

Glenn Andrews first attended the public schools in Birmingham, then later the Phillips High School and Mercersburg Academy. In 1931, he graduated from Princeton University with a Bachelor. He then worked for the National City Bank of New York, IBM and a subsidiary of Eastman Kodak.

In 1956 he stood as a candidate at that time. Still a member of the Democrats for a seat in the House of Representatives from Alabama In 1958 his candidacy for the office of Secretary of State, which also remained unsuccessful. In 1964 he was elected for a change of party for the Republicans in the House of Representatives of the United States, where he served from January 3, 1965 to January 3, 1967. His attempt to re-election failed, as did a bid again 1970. 1973 to 1985 he worked at the bankruptcy court.
