Baker County (Florida)

The Baker County is a county located in the U.S. state of Florida. The administrative headquarters ( County Seat) is Macclenny. The slogan of Baker County is: " The Small County With Big Ideas ... " ( The small County with the big ideas ... )


The Baker County was formed on 8 February 1861 a part of the New River County and named for James McNair Baker, a senator of the Confederacy and later judge. The first county seat was the town of Sanderson. On February 22, 1889, decided by 243 to 220 votes, that Darby Ville, the current should be Macclenny district capital. The first control officials D. C. Prescott was. He determined that there were 112 mentally healthy white males 21-50 years. Likewise, 212 slaves. For every white man and every slave 50 Cent were set in taxes per year. The country was estimated at 0.6 percent of the value as a tax.

The main source of income was the cultivation of cotton. As a pest destroyed the seed pods of cotton, one built on sugar cane, sweet potatoes, cereals and vegetables. Most of the grain but was in the form of bulbous bottles on the market. Later, the cultivation of tobacco was added.


The county has an area of 1,525 square kilometers, of which ten square kilometers of water surface. It is bordered clockwise to the following counties: Nassau County, Duval County, Clay County, Bradford County, Union County and Columbia County.

Demographic data

1900-1990 2000 2010

According to the census in 2010 lived in Baker County 27,115 people in 9,687 households. The population density was 17.9 inhabitants per square kilometer. The racial the population was composed of 83.7 % White, 13.6 % African American, 0.3% Indigenous and 0.5 % Asian Americans. 0.4 % were members of other ethnic groups and 1.6% in different ethnic groups. 1.9% of the population were Hispanic or Latino.

In 2010, children under the age of 18 and 23.9 % of all households lived in 41.3 % of all households with persons at least 65 years. 76.6 % of households were family households (consisting of married couples with or without offspring or a parent with offspring ). The average size of a household was 2.82 persons and the average family size is 3.21 people.

28.5% of the population were younger than 20 years, 26.9 % were 20-39 years old, 28.1% were 40-59 years old and 16.3 % were at least 60 years old. The median age was 36 years. 52.2 % of the population were male and 47.8 % female.

The median income for a household was $ 47,149, while 17.0 % of the population lived below the poverty line.

In 2010, English was the mother tongue of 97.73 % of the population spoke Spanish 1.75% and 0.52 % had a different mother tongue.

Places in Baker County

Places in Baker County with populations of the census of 2010:


  • Macclenny ( County Seat) - 6,374 inhabitants


  • Glen St. Mary - 437 inhabitants