Levy County, Florida

The Levy County is a county located in the state of Florida in the United States. The administrative headquarters ( County Seat) is Bronson.


The county has an area of ​​3,658 square kilometers, of which 761 square kilometers are water surface. It is bordered clockwise to the following counties: Dixie County, Gilchrist County, Alachua County, Marion County and Citrus County.


The Levy County was formed on 10 May 1845. It was named for David Levy Yulee, who from 1845 to 1851 and from 1855 to 1861 the U.S. Senate belonged in time.

Demographic data

1900-1990 2000 2010

According to the census in 2010 lived in Levy County 40,801 people in 19,974 households. The population density was 14.1 inhabitants per square kilometer. The racial the population was composed of 85.5 % White, 9.4% Black or African American, 0.4% Indigenous and 0.6 % Asian Americans. 2.3% were members of other ethnic groups and 1.9% in different ethnic groups. 7.5% of the population were Hispanic or Latino.

In 2010, children under the age of 18 and 35.0 % of all households lived in 28.6 % of all households with persons at least 65 years. 67.5 % of households were family households (consisting of married couples with or without offspring or a parent with offspring ). The average size of a household was 2.45 persons and the average family size is 2.91 people.

23.5% of the population were younger than 20 years, 20.6% were 20-39 years old, 28.7 % were 40-59 years old and 27.1 % were at least 60 years old. The median age was 45 years. 49.2 % of the population were male and 50.8 % female.

The median income for a household was $ 35,093, while 22.8 % of the population lived below the poverty line.

In 2010, English was the mother tongue of 93.45 % of the population spoke Spanish 5.35% and 1.20 % had a different mother tongue.

Further education institutions

  • Central Florida Community College in Chiefland

Places in Levy County

Places in Levy County with populations of the census of 2010:


  • Cedar Key - 702 inhabitants
  • Chiefland - 2,245 inhabitants
  • Fanning Springs - 764 inhabitants
  • Williston - 2,768 inhabitants


  • Bronson ( County Seat) - 1,113 inhabitants
  • Inglis - 1,325 inhabitants
  • Otter Creek - 134 inhabitants
  • Yankeetown - 502 inhabitants

Census-designated places:

  • Andrews - 798 inhabitants
  • East Bronson - 1,945 inhabitants
  • East Williston - 694 inhabitants
  • Manatee Road - 2,244 inhabitants
  • Morriston - 164 inhabitants
  • Raleigh - 373 inhabitants
  • Williston Highlands - 2,275 inhabitants